Christopher Anthony Stone FRCS(Plast)
Consultant in Reconstructive & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Prudential Ride London - Surrey 100

Mr Stone participated in the inaugural Ride London hundred-mile cycling sportive on 4th August 2013 to raise money for Cancer Research UK, completing the ride in 5:18:56. A big 'thank you' to everyone who kindly contributed to the fund raising effort - over £400 raised so far to help research into cancers such as malignant […]

Christopher Stone taking part in Ride London 2013 for Cancer Research UKMr Stone participated in the inaugural Ride London hundred-mile cycling sportive on 4th August 2013 to raise money for Cancer Research UK, completing the ride in 5:18:56.Cosmetic Surgeon Christopher Stone raised over £400 for Cancer Research UK in RideLondon 2013

Cancer Research UK website

A big 'thank you' to everyone who kindly contributed to the fund raising effort - over £400 raised so far to help research into cancers such as malignant melanoma.

There is still time to add to this total via Mr Stone's just giving page, which will remain open for another two months.

Your support is very much appreciated.

Just giving - support Mr Chris Stone's RideLondon charity cycle sportiveIf you can, please text  CRYS661 to 70070.


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